Fallen from grace, Thomas Winston’s life lies in shambles. Once a respected Ancient History professor and beloved host of “Finding Britain,” he now skulks in the shadows after his latest book was exposed as built on false evidence. Just when he’s hit rock bottom, an unexpected lifeline appears: eccentric filmmaker Maz Kayfer wants him as a consultant for “Old Gods Rising.”
The offer leads Winston to Ashgate University’s campus, but what begins as a simple film consultation spirals into something far more unsettling. Reality seems to blur at every turn, leaving Winston – and you, as the player – to grapple with an increasingly disturbing question: Is this all just an elaborate film production, or has he stumbled onto something ancient and sinister?
Step into Winston’s shoes in this first-person mystery adventure, where your expertise in history becomes your greatest tool. Pore over the university’s architecture, seeking clues to its mysterious origins. Decipher enigmatic symbols and forgotten tongues etched into its walls. Each artifact you examine, each puzzle you solve, could reveal another piece of the growing mystery.
As you explore the sprawling campus, collect phone numbers and engage in pivotal conversations that might help untangle fact from fiction. Hidden passages await discovery, potentially holding vital clues to the truth. But what exactly is that truth? Are ancient deities truly stirring from their slumber, or is there a more mundane explanation?
The line between reality and fantasy grows increasingly thin, and ultimately, you must decide: what do you choose to believe?